Sunday, November 15, 2009

Veronic Blog on Schools Kill Creativity

Veronica Blog on schools kills creativity

"Education takes you into the future that we can't grasp. (Robison) What a powerful statement. It is true how much education has become so unpredictable. Children use to be able to expression themselves in the arts. However, many school now have taken away the music programs and art programs because of cost and because of more focus is on Mathematics and English ever, many school now have taken away the music programs and art programs because of cost and many feel that it is not necessary to teach children about art and music.

"If don't prepare kids that okay to do wrong, then as adult they never learned to come up with things." (Robison) I thought about this and I watch how my seven old daughter was getting very upset because you she could not remember her spelling words and she ended tearing up the paper because she was suppose to creative sentence with her words.

I like how Sir Ken Robinson talk about how "why don't we teach dance every day like we do math." I agree with Sir Ken Robison when he talks about how we only teach from the waste up. To me this has me thinking what great idea, we worried about our kid's health, and how they are getting heavy and heavy each year. Many people do not realize that we use math in music and in dance. Studies have shown that more people that use music and art have a better standing of math.
It is scary to think that because of so much pressure on kids today that feel that is different can be a curse.


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