Monday, November 30, 2009

Veronica Blog on enjoying Technology

What were the positive sides of Technology Class.?
Like most of the class, I did not see a computer in my school years until I was a senior in high school. During that time, it was just basis uses of the computers. The one thing that I really enjoy in our class was the WebQuest; yes sometimes I wanted to pull out my hair because something would not go right on the WebQuest. I think that one lesson that will be very beneficial teachers in a classroom. Another lesson that I really enjoy doing was our database lesson it was fun making a lesson plan using ideas from other teachers and ideas of your own. The power points were very creative I will admit that at first I did not like doing them. I thought something was missing, however, at the end I really enjoying doing the power points and look forward to doing them again.
Technology has enriched my life in so many ways, from taken class online and continuing my education, to e-mailing my friends and family down home in Florida. Technology is great learning tool that each of us will continue to learn in the future.


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