Monday, December 21, 2009

Veronica Blog 15 weeks

What I learned in Technology
Wow, it has been 15 weeks of class. When I first start to learn about how technology class was nothing. I mean I knew how to type on a computer and do spreadsheets and stuff like that. I never knew how to make a webpage or data sheet or even a commix or make a movie. I am still working on learning how to the movies.
I feel what I learned in this class will help me to learn even if I decided to go into a field instead of education. Technology is for everyone.

Thank you to Lisa who made the class fun to learn and very interesting. You challenge us to go beyond our comfort zone. I wonder like a lesson 5000 days on the internet I wonder what the next 5000 days will be.

Thank you to all my classmates for all the help and input you gave me in the class. I want to give Larry a special thank you. You were always there for everyone when every I needed help and you will make a great teacher.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Google Earth

Google Earth
Google Earth is a great asset to teachers and to future teacher. I found it to be very helpful in the navigation of the site.
The site I found to be interesting was the Google Maps and the California Missions. I have been to the following missions when visiting my Aunt and Uncle in Paso Robles California.
• Mission of San Luis Obispo de Tolosa
• Mission of San Jose
• Mission of San Miguel Archangel
This would a great use for teachers if they are studying the history of California. I love history so it was great seeing the mission in your life and I think it would give a great understanding our students when we are teaching to show that history is real.
Another thing I like was the use of Google for studying of science and I was thinking how great it would be to use it to combine lesson of history, science, and math. An example of this could be a history teacher teaching about the history of the California, and science could use it to teach their students about earthquakes or even about the Morro bay Rock that stands 576 feet tall. A math teacher could use the information given from the science teacher to figure out the percentage of earthquakes.
Google earth has endless possibilities for teacher and students and it would be a waste for teachers not to use in their classrooms.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Educational Philosophy

Educational Philosophy Blog

I think that Educational philosophy for teachers and students is a relationship and with all relationship there will be some problems and some rewards in teaching. Each of us who are learning to become teachers or already teachers has to remember that each student is different and what may work for one might not work for another.
You can ask any teachers that yes there are challenges when teaching. However, the rewards out way anything that could be challenge. A good example of this in the right column Inspirational Teaching. The blog is called Romeo, Juliet, and the reason why.
Educators are role models, even though we made not think it is up us to maintain an atmosphere where children who come into our class feel comfortable and confident.
In this week, we learned about different types of educational Philosophy at first I would admit I was overwhelmed with all the information that was out there to learn from doing our researched. The one thing that stuck in my mind was the four types of Educational Philosophy.
The one that I found to be the best use for me in a classroom would be the Progressivism that is to be is where teachers encourage students by using hands on approach.
I know right now that I will continue to grow as teacher and we as teaches will always continue learn and as we learn our students will grow with us. My educational philosophy will changed as I continue by journey in teaching.