Thursday, September 24, 2009

What a website means to me.

I will admit I had little knowledge of how to build a website. The thought of designing a website scare me, because I want the design,are doing to look professional. However, I want my personality to shine through in the web design. I will admit that I use to have Myspace and still have my account with Myspace. However, I hardly go on to the site any more. This is the second time I sign up for my space because I was getting an overload of stuff from people that I never even hear from before. I wanted to keep the site on because do have some friends from home on there. I do now use face book and have met many of my friends from my high school there. Facebook is a good site for me because can keep up with what is going on back home. The three sites that I really enjoy being the Google, Yola and word press. Google I thought would be good, since we are using our blogs through this site. I look at Yola and found it to be very interesting was one of the designs, I like on the site had a map and world globe, I thought that would be a good one since my minor is in history. I am still looking at word press. However, it seems to me to be very interesting. It is funny how much now we depend on the internet. For instance, how now we are taken classes on line and how we can book a flight to somewhere or even or how to do communicate with our family and friends who may not even live close to us. The only thing that worries me is as we learned in the video the first 5000 days. How eventually the technology of computer will be larger than our own brain. The technology world is changing and website that we know will change with it.

1 comment:

  1. You might find WordPress too complicated. I do. I know some people, they are often very left brained, logical types of thinkers, who love it. That's not me, I'm an arty-type right brained thinker, give me drag and drop Weebly any old time.
