Monday, October 26, 2009

Veronica Blog on Bloom's Taxonomy

Veronica Blog

What a week that we had we had to finish our WebQuest and I have to admit I am still working on my WebQuest. It is one to me one the most frustrating things that I have ever done before. I will admit I am having been questioning myself whether I would be a good teacher. I mean how can except my students do the work correctly as teacher I cannot even do the work properly. So how can I do a proper WebQuest?

Again now for my Blog at Bloom's Taxonomy. Bloom Taxonomy was about knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. Bloom's Taxonomy to me was part of the critical thinking process it gives teachers and students the chance to challenge each other. Teachers can push their students to excel in thinking outside the box. What I mean outside the box is for students not always rely on the norm of learning to recall information only from a textbook. In addition, we learned that sometimes we have to take idea that may have already been use and recreated in to our own way without copyrighting another work. I realize that my WebQuest does not meet the standards of Bloom's Taxonomy. I realize I was doing the WebQuest what I except from my students was not clearly understand and the comprehension was not even there. I think I will need to take a step back and give myself a hard look about whether I should become a teacher. This was a very good revelation for me. How do I except to do a great evaluation on my students for just things as proper grammar and spelling, When I lack such skills

Again doing this blog on Bloom's Taxonomy and a WebQuest was very enlightened.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dr. Dodge

Veronica Blog on Dr. Dodge Video about WebQuest
First off, I will admit that I watch the video three times; I wanted to make sure that I did not miss anything that I thought was very important. Dr Dodge talks about how we need to be careful in not choosing an inappropriate topic. I can understand his point being teachers or we are studying to be teachers we want to have a topic that is appropriated for our grade level. There is a fine line to what is appropriated to teach especially if you are making a WebQuest.
Dr. Dodge talks about how to avoid designing WebQuest using topics that are well covered by textbooks, avoid factual recall, or procedures.
I think what Dr. Dodge meant was that we want our students to learned however, we want to make sure that it is topic that has not been covered in a textbook so much that it would be boring to the students to learn and they would not get anything out of the WebQuest. Agree that we have to be careful especially if a fact has been found not to be tree or has been recall. I am not sure about procedures in a WebQuest or we not in a way telling our students in our WebQuest that we are creating for our class how we want them to do their work. I am not sure what Dr. Dodge meant when he said in the video, "give a scaled down version of what adults do" and" when do adults this knowledge"
The one thing that I found very interesting in video was Dr Dodge's taxonomy. This gave me a better understanding on how to break down what is "life verbs and classroom verbs", showing what overlapped; apply; analyze, and explain means in creating a WebQuest for a topic that you want your students to learn.
Right now, I am not sure how I feel about doing a WebQuest I found it is very confusing at times and yet other times I found it be one the best tools and teacher can have.


Friday, October 9, 2009

web quest

While reading about web quest, I was thinking how much internet technology has changed in many ways. I remember in the video just a couple of weeks ago “The first 500 Days.” How much technology has changed? I remember when I was senior in high school; we just got our first set of computers at my high school. Now, computers all the norm of schools and more and more teachers are doing their lesson through computers. One just lesson plans are through the web quest. I am now in the process of learning web quest. The lesson I am working on is for my students to a web quest lesson on the topic of “Ellis Island.” I have to admit it is a little scary to set up your first web lesson for students when you never did it before. You wonder to do have enough information that your students need to the project that you assign for your students. Is the information that you give them right for their grade level? I mean you would not want more in-depth site for students who are in the third grade learning about “Ellis Island,” then from a student, who is in 11th grade history class learning about the same subject. I look forward to doing my first web quest. I think it will be fun. In way I think that in class, we are doing a kind of web quest. Our teacher set up the lesson, and we follow and learn by doing project through the internet.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Creative Commons

Creative Commons:
I will admit that I never even heard of the site Creative Commons before. I found some very positive things about creative Commons. However, I will admit there is some very negative side to the website. One thing that I found disturbing to be the fact are many ads on the site that I found not to be very appropriate for kids to see. Example of this was how to enlarge man private parts. I know that I would not want my kids to see that especially young children. I would not bring this site into a classroom because of just ads in the site. I understand why creative Commons is important because it gives people the right to express themselves freely without being censored or even heard. I know that I will not use this site in a classroom, when I have begun a teacher.

Veronica Amsden