Monday, October 19, 2009

Dr. Dodge

Veronica Blog on Dr. Dodge Video about WebQuest
First off, I will admit that I watch the video three times; I wanted to make sure that I did not miss anything that I thought was very important. Dr Dodge talks about how we need to be careful in not choosing an inappropriate topic. I can understand his point being teachers or we are studying to be teachers we want to have a topic that is appropriated for our grade level. There is a fine line to what is appropriated to teach especially if you are making a WebQuest.
Dr. Dodge talks about how to avoid designing WebQuest using topics that are well covered by textbooks, avoid factual recall, or procedures.
I think what Dr. Dodge meant was that we want our students to learned however, we want to make sure that it is topic that has not been covered in a textbook so much that it would be boring to the students to learn and they would not get anything out of the WebQuest. Agree that we have to be careful especially if a fact has been found not to be tree or has been recall. I am not sure about procedures in a WebQuest or we not in a way telling our students in our WebQuest that we are creating for our class how we want them to do their work. I am not sure what Dr. Dodge meant when he said in the video, "give a scaled down version of what adults do" and" when do adults this knowledge"
The one thing that I found very interesting in video was Dr Dodge's taxonomy. This gave me a better understanding on how to break down what is "life verbs and classroom verbs", showing what overlapped; apply; analyze, and explain means in creating a WebQuest for a topic that you want your students to learn.
Right now, I am not sure how I feel about doing a WebQuest I found it is very confusing at times and yet other times I found it be one the best tools and teacher can have.


1 comment:

  1. What Bernie means when he says "give a scaled down version of what adults do", is in your WQ create a real life problem and a real life solution that is needed, then set up a scenario where your students will be dealing with situation like adults do via research on the web and then some project or product that is accountable to the real world. This is why I make such a big deal about having *real world accountability*.
